Interesting questions about sexual health.

ByAdministrator12/12/2022in Sexual Health 0

WHO defines sexual health as a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being associated with sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity

1. At what age should children know about sexual health?

Maybe many parents think that sex is an extremely sensitive issue for their children, so many parents choose to ignore it. But that is not a good way to educate children, especially children who are entering puberty. Currently, many studies have shown that the age of first sex in Vietnamese teenagers is getting younger and younger. This leads to many extremely serious consequences.

To ensure children have a certain understanding when entering adolescence, experts recommend that parents start talking about sexual health when children are about to hit puberty or the appropriate age is 11-12 years old. . You do not need to be surprised at this age, it is not too early for children to have sexual understanding. This will help reduce the risk of this problem, especially if the child has sex too soon or has an unwanted pregnancy, has infectious diseases, etc.

Talking about sexual health when children are about to enter puberty

Parenting is never easy for parents in today’s life. Paying more attention to children and early intervention in healthy sexual health is the way that parents protect children, support children to receive correct knowledge and have a clear understanding of boundaries in relationships.

2. What is the right age to have sex for the first time?

Although it is one of the essential needs of human beings, not all ages are suitable to have sex.

Psychologist Dr. Tran Thanh Nam, lecturer at Vietnam National University, Hanoi, and colleagues conducted a study on the age of having sex for the first time, the results for the numbers were surprising. 10% of students had had sex by the time they finished 9th grade, 39% of those who had completed 12th grade. Most admitted to not using contraception or using unscientific methods. (drink lemon juice, wash your genitals with lemon juice after sex, etc.).

Sex is trending towards rejuvenation in Vietnam

With a lack of understanding about sexual health, children in Vietnam increasingly “fall in love” early and have improper relationships leading to unpredictable consequences.

For men, the appropriate age to have sex for the first time is 20 years old and 18 years old for women. At this age, both men and women have fully developed and perfected physically, anatomically as well as have sufficient cognitive capacity, psycho-physiological stability.

3. How long is the “love” lasting?

Although having sex many times, few people can answer why the most sensitive areas of men and women can create a feeling of “orgasm” every time they have sex. A few know that it is due to the nerves but do not know the specific number. So what are those numbers?

We always talk about the word “sensitive” but it’s really just a way to describe the location of high concentration of nerves. When there is any stimulus, the nerves will quickly transmit nerve impulses to the brain in response to that stimulus. With the girl’s “little girl” there are a total of 8000 nerves inside, and with the “boy” the number is halved, about 4000 nerves. That explains why both men and women can reach “climax” every time they have sex.

However, the time of “sex” in one time is different for each person, depending on the time of “climax” and the health of each person. According to many studies, the time to reach orgasm state in women is 7-9 minutes, while men do not, many people ejaculate 2-3 minutes after sex. That leaves your partner frustrated and unsatisfied.

Understanding sex will make your sex more exciting

Usually with a person with stable health and in the “energizing” period, making love for 5 to 10 minutes a day will be very good for health. For couples, the ideal time for each party should involve communication from both of you. Regularly ask your partner if she “climaxes” or not, when both are interested, the time is reasonable.

4. How many times a week should you make love?

Is it good to make love for a long time and a lot? Many times, making love for too long or continuously can make your partner tired and hurt your vagina or penis, causing pain during sex. Therefore, what you need to do to ensure your fun is smooth is to learn thoroughly about sexual health.

At a certain age, everyone needs to satisfy their own needs, in which sex can be considered an indispensable thing. However, each person’s need for sex is different and gradually decreases when entering middle age. Besides, the relationship needs also depend on the health of each person.

The need for sex usually declines when entering middle age

For many scientists, having sex 3 times a week is considered reasonable, helping couples ensure their health and spirit as well as satisfy their own needs. However, that is only in theory, in fact the number of times the relationship of the couple has many differences. Many newlyweds admit that they make love every day, which means 7 times a week. This number can be considered terrible for the elderly, but in adolescence, the most fertile period or people with high needs, this number can change, most often larger.

For people between the ages of 30 and 40, this number is usually 2 or 3 times a week. And when you turn 40, on average, have sex once or twice a week.

Sexual health is one of the things that everyone should learn carefully in order to have a fulfilling sex life. Many people just because they are afraid to choose the solution to ignore these things are completely wrong. No one can know everything on their own without learning. So learning about different aspects of life will help you gain more knowledge and bring an interesting life to each person.

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