How long does it take to have sex with a gynecological suppositories?

ByAdministrator16/12/2022in Sexual Health 0

How long is it allowed to have sex while having gynecological suppositories? Can I order gynecological drugs to have sex? Does sex affect the effectiveness of the suppository? These are frequently asked questions by women while taking gynecological suppositories.

Gynecological suppositories (vaginal tablets or vaginal suppositories) can be solid, oval or elongated and are introduced into the body by a specialized device, which dissolves, and goes directly into the bloodstream. This makes suppositories a popular choice in the treatment of gynecological inflammatory diseases such as yeast infections. However, because of these characteristics, many women often have questions such as how long after placing gynecological drugs can have sex? Do gynecological suppositories have any effect on sex?

What are gynecological suppositories?

Gynecological suppositories (or gynecological suppositories) is a form of medicine containing substances that are able to balance the vaginal environment. The drug is usually in the form of tablets, used in the treatment of gynecological inflammatory diseases: vaginitis, cervicitis, cervical ectropion….

There are three common types of vaginal suppositories on the market today:

  • The suppository contains an antibiotic.
  • The suppository contains multiple antibiotics (kills many pathogens at once).
  • Pills contain the hormone estrogen to improve the vagina, making sex easier.
  • For each different condition, the specialist will prescribe the appropriate type of gynecological suppository.

What cases need to order gynecological medicine?

Vaginal tablets may contain antifungal, anti-inflammatory or sex hormone active ingredients used to treat vaginal infections or hormonal problems during perimenopause.

Vaginitis is commonly known as a yeast (candida) infection. According to experts in obstetrics and gynecology, 3 out of 4 women have vaginal yeast infections and up to 5% of women are at risk of repeated infections. In other words, almost every woman is at risk of getting a vaginal yeast infection at least once in her life.

To treat vaginal thrush, your gynecologist will diagnose and prescribe treatments that are right for your infection, health, and needs. Usually, to limit systemic antifungal side effects, yeast infections are usually controlled with vaginal suppositories. The suppository is used for 7 consecutive days to ensure that the yeast is completely “killed” and to avoid recurrence of the disease.

How long does it take to have sex with a gynecologist suppositories?

It is recommended that you do not have sex while you are having vaginal suppositories.
In the instructions for using vaginal suppositories from gynecologists, you should put the medicine at the time before going to bed. This is to ensure that the movement and movement are limited right after the drug is placed, to limit the situation of the drug flowing out. Having sex right after the gynecological medicine is inserted can also cause the medicine to leak out or be moved from the vagina to the uterus, reducing the effectiveness of the treatment.
So how long after the gynecological medicine can have sex? The answer is that depending on how long it takes for the suppository to dissolve and be absorbed into the bloodstream, it usually takes about 10-15 minutes, sometimes 30 minutes. Therefore, to be safe and secure, you and your partner should wait at least 30 minutes after vaginal suppository.

Answer questions when ordering gynecological medicine

How long is it allowed to have sex while having a gynecological suppository?

1. Is vaginal yeast infection sexually transmitted?

Yeast or vaginal yeast infections are not considered sexually transmitted infections (STDs) because you can still get vaginal yeast infections even if you’re not sexually active. However, it is possible that you will catch a yeast infection from your “partner” or contribute to the progression of the symptoms of the infection through sexual activity.

Therefore, gynecologists often recommend abstaining from sex while you have a yeast infection. If necessary, make sure you use protection during sex such as condoms to prevent infection and worsening of the disease.

2. Can I have sex while ordering gynecological drugs?

Vaginal yeast infections are usually effectively treated with a 7-day course of vaginal suppositories. This makes women worry that when ordering gynecological drugs, they need to abstain from sex or can they have sex while taking the drug? And if so, how long does it take to have sex? Many studies have shown that the vaginal suppository will “weak” or damage condoms. Therefore, if you are planning on birth control and treatment with vaginal suppositories, it is advised to abstain from sex until the end of the course of treatment for gynecological infections.

3. Can gynecological drugs be ordered during pregnancy?

How long is it allowed to have sex while having a gynecological suppository?

Many experts believe that due to the increased levels of the hormone estrogen in pregnant women, pregnant women are prone to frequent vaginal infections. Of these, the most common is a yeast infection.

On the other hand, pregnant women are the focus of attention in the selection of treatment drugs to avoid the risk of causing malformations to the fetus or affecting the mother’s health. Therefore, gynecological suppositories as well as topical drugs become the first choice in the treatment of gestational yeast infections. Oral anti-inflammatory drugs are not recommended in this case.

However, to ensure and rest assured, vaginal inflammatory conditions should be examined and prescribed medication by an obstetrician-gynecologist. At the same time, women need to clearly inform the doctor about their health status and pregnancy.

What should be noted when using gynecological suppositories?

Gynecological suppositories work well when used in the right dose and prescribed by the doctor. Before using, you should note:

  • Use medication only when prescribed by your doctor
  • Do not arbitrarily add/reduce the dosage and duration of use as directed
  • Wash your hands before putting the medicine in the vagina
  • After the time of ordering the medicine, you need to re-examine to evaluate the treatment results.

Hope the article has helped you have more information about the correct and effective use of gynecological suppositories. From there, give the answer for how long to order gynecological drugs to have sex!

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