Venereal: Silent progression but intense disease

ByAdministrator16/12/2022in Sexual Health 0
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Venereal disease is sexually transmitted diseases. Venereal often progresses silently in its early stages. If not treated in time, the disease can cause many serious complications such as infertility, nerve organ damage, cardiovascular, bone and joint damage, even death.

What is venereal disease?

Venereal disease a sexually transmitted diseases. It is a group of diseases caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi that are transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person through unprotected sex, blood or contact. Currently, there are more than 20 diseases classified as venereal diseases (or social diseases) such as: gonorrhea, syphilis (injected), chancroid, genital tract infections caused by flagellates, fungi; hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS, genital herpes, genital warts…

In particular, disease symptoms do not appear when new pathogens enter the body. In many cases, symptoms appear weeks, even months, or years later.

Symptoms of venereal disease are usually:

– Diarrhea

– Swollen lymph nodes in the groin (it may be painless to the touch)

In women, it is white blood or discharge, in men, it is pus or turbid discharge from the urinary tract and is often accompanied by burning sensation when urinating.

– Vaginal bleeding between periods or after sex.

Sores, raised blisters on the genitals, may or may not be painful.

– Swelling and pain in the genitals, pain in the scrotum.

– A lump or lump on the genitals.

What is venereal disease? 7 common venereal diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases- Venereal: Silent progression but intense diseases

If you have an unhealthy sex life, you may experience sexually transmitted diseases such as venereal disease in men and venereal disease in women. These include:

1. Genital warts

Genital warts are sexually transmitted disease that caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Usually after 2-9 months after being infected, in infected parts such as genitals, anus, eyes, mouth… will appear papilloma, rough surface like flower crest chicken. After a while, these spots will thrive, scratch easily, bleed, discharge pus, intense itching, and have an unpleasant odor.

If not treated early, the disease will cause many dangerous complications such as: penile cancer, vaginal cancer, infertility, infertility.

2. Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is sexually transmitted diseases that. It is one of the venereal diseases with a relatively short incubation period, only 2-6 days. Viruses will penetrate and thrive in wet areas of the body such as genitals, eyes, mouth, anus… Virus damage makes it difficult for patients to urinate, infected areas are painful, itchy, unpleasant odor.

3. Chlamydia infection

Symptoms of chlamydia infection are usually mild or absent. The disease can still cause serious complications including infertility. Within 1-3 weeks of exposure, chlamydia causes abnormal discharge, burning sensation when urinating, lower abdominal pain, back pain in women; Burning and itching around the opening of the penis in men…

The bacteria first infect the cervix and urethra, then spread to the fallopian tubes and rectum (in both men and women). However, Chlamydia infection can be easily treated and cured with antibiotics.

4. Syphilis

Syphilis has a very complicated course and the symptoms are not clear. Manifestations of the disease are ulcers, erythema in many parts of the body such as palms, soles, abdomen, chest … but usually disappear after 3 – 6 weeks. In the final stage of this venereal disease, the virus will invade internal organs and cause dangerous complications such as consciousness disturbances, hallucinations, blindness, stroke, and death.

5. Genital Herpes (Genital Herpes)

Sexually transmitted diseases- Venereal: Silent progression but intense disease

Genital herpes caused by HSV virus is easy to recognize with symptoms: herpes sores appear on the genitals, anus, eyes, mouth … These blisters burst, drain when rubbed, causing pain and stinging. , burning urine, swollen lymph nodes, damage to the urethral canal…

This venereal disease will cause many dangerous complications such as: penile cancer, vaginal cancer, gangrene, bacteremia, meningitis, even death. To treat genital herpes, doctors can carry out medical procedures, cryotherapy, cryotherapy, laser therapy, and surgical removal of herpes.

6. Trichomoniasis

Vaginal thrush causes vaginitis in women and urethritis in men. Febrile infection usually incubates for 1-4 weeks, sometimes without symptoms, leading to severe vaginitis, ovary inflammation, cervicitis. The end result is infertility. Ringworm infection in men has an incubation period of 3-9 days or possibly a long time.

To treat trichomoniasis, doctors often use antifungal drugs in combination with fungicides and bacteria because during the treatment of trichomoniasis, the environment can change, allowing fungi and bacteria to grow. growth and disease conditions.

7. Canker sores

This disease is caused by Ducrey bacillus. After an incubation period of 4 to 7 days, the disease causes painful, purulent sores on the outside or inside of the genitals or anus, often accompanied by swollen lymph nodes in the groin.

Symptoms of this type of venereal disease are painful urination, pain during bowel movements and intercourse, abnormal discharge, and bleeding in the anus. Ulcers may not leave scars if treated early. On the contrary, if left untreated, it will lead to permanent scarring of the genitals and cause complications such as urinary leakage, urinary infection.

Can venereal disease be cured?

Sexually transmitted diseases - Venereal: Silent progression but intense disease

Not all venereal diseases are curable. Most of the sexually transmitted diseases caused by viruses such as Herpes, Hepatitis B, HIV infection currently only have antiviral drugs, there is no drug to cure completely.

Some diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, genital warts, chancroid… can be completely cured if detected in time. Treatment methods for each disease are different, but it is important to treat the person who has infected you and the person who has been infected to avoid getting sick again.

What is the way to prevent venereal disease?

The most important way to prevent venereal disease is to practice a safe sex life. Some other prevention tips include:

  • Use condoms properly
  • Do not have sex while drunk or using drugs
  • Clean genitals before and after sex
  • Do not come into contact with other people’s open wounds.
  • Do not share personal belongings with others such as clothes, towels, face towels, toothbrushes, etc.
  • Do not receive or transfuse blood without testing.
  • Regular sexual health check every 6 months.

Signs of venereal disease are easy to be confused with some other diseases. Many cases are diagnosed when the disease has progressed to an advanced stage. Safe sex is key to reducing your risk of contracting the sexually transmitted diseases.

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