4 ways to take care of the penis so that It is always full of energy

ByAdministrator18/12/2022in Men's Health 0

The penis is a male genitalia. Are you sure you know how to take care of the little boy to keep him healthy and energetic?

This article will reveal 4 ways to take care of your penis so that you have a healthy genitalia.

1. How to take care of the penis: Don’t leave the penis “idle”

Your little boy needs regular erections to stay in shape, just as you need exercise to stay in good shape. Tobias Kohler, associate professor of urology at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, said that in order to maintain a healthy rhythm and rhythmic muscles, the penis needs to be regularly supplied with oxygen thanks to the increased blood volume in the penis. erection process.

If you can get a normal erection but never have a sudden erection during the day, don’t worry. That happens because you’re in a stimulus-free environment. Your brain will also have an automatic mechanism to “maintain” the function of the penis by emitting electrical impulses that cause erect penis during the REM phases of sleep, also known as when you are in deep sleep and begin to dream. Regardless of whether your dream is sexually related or not, your penis will be erect during that period.

However, some men still can’t get an erection when they want it, which can be caused by an injury to the nerves involved or damaged blood vessels due to diabetes.

Assoc. “Your penis will shorten if you don’t have any erections for a long time,” says Kohler. Because the penile tissues are not exercised, they will decrease in elasticity and retract, making the penis 1-2 cm shorter.

Therefore, in order to take care of the little boy and keep his form stable, you need to regularly practice the ability to have an erection.

2. No smoking

Quit smoking to take care of the little boy

In fact, smoking can shorten your penis by up to 1cm. Chemicals in cigarettes calcify the blood vessels needed to pump blood to create an erection. Thereby inhibiting the erectile cycle. Therefore, to take better care of your little one, stop smoking and don’t be in an environment with a lot of secondhand smoke.

3. Take care of the little boy gently because of the penis can be broken

take care of the little boy

It sounds scary, but in fact, your penis can break even though it contains no bone fragments at all. Vigorous sexual intercourse or masturbation, or something falling on the penis while erect, can cause the penis to break. The penis is mainly composed of 2 tubes (called the corpus cavernosum). A tube is a hollow inner fibrous capsule containing blood. When the blood is pumped to full fullness of the tube, the tube becomes stiff and hence the penis erect. When the blood flows out of the tube, the tube collapses, so the penis is no longer erect.

When the penis is erect and it suddenly bends, the fibrous capsule of the tube can tear. This causes pain, and as blood escapes through the tear in the condom, the penis becomes tender, swollen, and purple. It is a symptom of a penile fracture.

4. Regular health check-ups to take care of the penis

Check in regularly to take care of the little boy

Men between the ages of 15 and 40 are at a higher risk of testicular cancer and other health problems in the penis. However, if detected early, most of these diseases are highly curable. Conversely, if detected late, testicular cancer will metastasize. Other diseases will progress more seriously, more difficult to treat.

Regular penile health check-ups at home or in the hospital are essential for the care of a small penis.

How to self-check penis health at home as follows:

Step 1: Take a warm bath to relax your muscles. The warm water will also help pull the testicles up into the scrotum for easier examination.

Step 2: Pull your scrotum. If the two testicles are not too different in shape and size, it is normal.

Step 3: Gently use your fingers to examine each testicle. Place your index finger, middle finger and thumb under the testicle. Roll the testicle between your fingers around the entire surface for about 30 seconds using light pressure. If you feel a lump or lump, seek medical attention immediately.

How you take care of your penis has a direct impact on your penis health and sex life. With 4 ways just suggested, Hello Bacsi hopes you will pay more attention to this part of the body.

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