Penis face up or down when wearing underwear?

ByAdministrator18/12/2022in Men's Health 0

When reaching adulthood and starting to wear underwear, men often wonder about how to put their penis in the most comfortable and safest way. Should you let your penis face up or down when wearing underwear to keep the manly style? Here’s how you can reduce your risk of sexually transmitted diseases.

It is easy to understand why men always feel satisfied when they take off their underwear. That’s when the boy was released and “breathed” after a long day of being suppressed. In fact, there is no medical proof that you absolutely have to wear underwear to support, but you should still pocket yourself ways to protect “the small penis”. Right here is how to put the boy in the pants properly.

1. Should penis face up or down?

Should you let him face up or down?

Should you keep your penis up or down when wearing underwear? In fact, putting the penis in the position that makes you feel the most comfortable is the way to have the penis properly.

  • Pros and cons of putting the penis up. If you find a way to keep the penis facing up in your underwear, the erection will go in a natural direction, without feeling of pressure. However, this can also cause inconvenience such as when suddenly the penis is erect, the elastic band blocking the neck of the penis will cause discomfort.
  • Pros and cons of putting the penis down. With the penis facing down, you will have the opportunity to wear stylish tight jeans without fear of being pulled up. However, for a long time, the little boy will have a downward curvature. At the same time, placing the penis downward can cause the urinary tract to be blocked, which can cause urethral stricture, difficulty urinating.

Should the penis be facing up or down when wearing underwear?

The advice for the question of whether to let the boy face up or down is always keep your penis in the position you feel most comfortable with. When the little boy is in pain, it may be that the penis is in the wrong position. At this point, you want to find a way to change the position of the boy.

2. What you need to know to avoid damaging the penis

Should you let him face up or down?

Besides taking care of whether to let the penis face up or down, you also need to know how to avoid causing damage to the penis.

Note when letting the penis loose

Without underwear, your penis will not be protected from rubbing against the seams and fabric. This can completely cause problems such as allergies, itching, pain for the skin.

  • Tips on how to protect your “little boy”. Before deciding to go loose, apply a thin layer of baby powder or some lubricating gel for your little one. This has the effect of creating a protective barrier and minimizing friction.

>> Read now:4 ways to take care of the penis so that It is always full of energy

How to put a penis in underwear for beginners?

As the answer to the question “How to make the penis most comfortable?”, if a person is used to putting his penis down or up when wearing underwear, there is no need to change that habit. But if you’re new to wearing underwear, you should let the “little guy” face up. The reason for this is that this is a natural position and the direction of the penis upwards will be suitable for the physiological position of the boy.

  • People often think “small penis” when facing downward means that the testicles are covered and protected. However, the downward facing “boy” is very easy to “move” – ​​which can be understood as a state of ease of movement when stimulated. So, The “little guy” when placed downwards will be very easy to break in the case of both being stimulated and subjected to force; Testicles can rupture, which is very dangerous.

Hopefully the article you already know should be good to put the penis up or under the panties. Many views believe that the downward facing boy will be easy to pull out when going to the toilet. But in reality, putting your penis in an upward position will make it easier to pull out of your underwear. Should you let the penis face up or down depending on how you feel about the comfort in each penis position. It is important that you know how to maintain hygiene and take care of the health of the private area to maintain the manhood.

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