Author Archives: Administrator
Cumcontrol: 5 techniques to control ejaculation for intense orgasms
Cumcontrol, or Cum Control, is an interesting sexual technique related to ejaculation control. Do you really know what cumcontrol is? Should I try this method?...
Can same-sex relationships get HIV?
“Can same-sex relationships get HIV” is one of the top concerns of people in the LGBT community. Understanding the risk of infection and how to...
Maybe you don’t know what the rainbow flag is? The meaning of 10 LGBTQ+ flags
Rainbow flag is considered a typical symbol of LGBTQ+ community. This special flag is also known by many other names such as the LGBT flag,...
7 drinks to help regulate menstruation for missed period woman.
Missed period is one of the common problems in women due to many reasons. So when the period is late, what should we drink to...
Saliva HIV test: Reliability, subjects, and implementation
In addition to a blood test, you can perform an HIV saliva test at home to see if you have the HIV virus. Regular HIV...
7 signs that the egg has finished ovulation is easy to recognize
Ovulation in women takes place every month, but not everyone knows when they ovulate. If you’re trying to get pregnant or get pregnant by dating,...
Is HIV AB Rapid Test Accurate?
An HIV test can tell if a person has HIV. On the market today, HIV AB Rapid Test testing service is quite popular and used...
At what age does male menopause occur? How to recognize and fix?
Many men experience erectile dysfunction, loss of sex drive, and other physical and emotional symptoms as they enter their late 40s to early 50s. At...
What is low back pain behind the heart and how to treat it?
If you are experiencing low back pain on the left side behind the heart, you should be cautious as this could be a sign of some...
Where does a vasectomy go? Does it do any harm?
Vasectomy, where sperm goes or vasectomy can ejaculate, affect sexual ability are not common questions of men who want to apply this sterilization method. The...
How dangerous is sexually transmitted diseases for pregnant women?
Pregnant women with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs or STIs) not only affect the health of the mother but also the fetus at many risks such...
The unpredictable consequences of abusing anti-drunk drugs
Drunk makes the body appear a series of unpleasant symptoms such as dizziness, headache, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, uncontrolled behavior while drunk, causing many serious consequences....